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Window awnings - showing how the awnings provide shade for the whole window

Residential Window Awnings

The benefits of Window awnings go far beyond aesthetic appeal.

Awnings can enhance the look of an ordinary home by adding shape, dimension and color. They offer energy saving benefits as well as protecting furniture, floors and carpets from fading caused by harsh sunrays.

Let’s Get Started

You can actually feel the energy saving benefits. In a typical home, more energy is lost through glass doors and windows than through any other construction element. In fact, on a hot day, more energy comes through one square foot of glass than through an entire insulated wall. Solar radiation through glass is responsible for approximately 20 percent of the load on an air conditioner. Window films and lightly tinted glass effectively reduce heat gain, as well as glare. Properly designed awnings accomplish the same purpose and substantially increase energy saved over the film and tinted glass alternatives. Studies by the American Society of Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers show that during the period of the day when the sun shines directly on southern facing windows, a fabric awning reduces heat gain by 55 to 65 percent. For western exposure, the reduction in heat gain is 72 to 77 percent.

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I wanted to say how pleased that we were with the canopy. The workmanship is even better that the last one, and the installers did an amazing job; no wrinkles or anything not how it should be. Kreider’s just keeps impressing us! Thanks again

Bob & Cindy K. – Landisville